We first spoke with a young Christian couple who had a solid understanding of the gospel.
Next we spoke with a lady who professed to be a Christian but thought she would get to heaven because she does her best here on earth. We explained that if a person has broken God's law then they are a lawbreaker and would be deserving of hell and not heaven. We then explained that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was the payment of our fine for breaking God's law and that to be saved one must repent from their sin and trust in Jesus alone. At the end of our conversation she shared that her roommate has been showing interest in the kabbalah religion and that she wanted to reach out to her. We have her a couple of gospel tracts and a New Testament bible to give to her.
The last conversation of the evening was with a man who works at a mormon temple. He was very open to talk about his beliefs and Mark and I learned a lot about mormonism. We presented the law and the gospel and stressed the fact that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that no man comes to the Father but through Him. We also stressed that our righteous deeds are as filthy rags and that good works cannot gain us favor and that any "good deed" that we try to do to add to what Jesus has already done would be an insult to God. One chilling part of our conversation was when the man told us that he had put a call into a Christian pastor and didn't get a call back. Two mormon missionaries knocked on his door and he decided that he would become a mormon. This really hit me... this man was open to the things of God and the mormon church got to him first. What if the pastor had returned his call? What if Christians had knocked on his door first? There are people out there just like this man who just need a bold Christian to approach them and communicate the gospel to them in a biblically sound way.
Luke 10:2 Then He said to them, "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
1 comment:
There are so many people who are standing on the threshold of "spirituality" and before them they see many a broad road that, unknown to them, "leads to destruction".
We must be out there pointing people to "the narrow road that leads to life" and help them get on it.
And we can't be found sitting around waiting for them to come searching for our church door. We must be out there searching for them.
Matthew 7:13-14
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