Ambassador's Academy was the experience of a lifetime! 50 evangelists from all across the US and Canada came together for four days of evangelism training. The fellowship was instant which made it feel as if you were among life long friends. Hitting the streets together to preach the gospel was a very powerful experience. You could tell by the looks on the faces of those who were listening to the preaching that we were making a huge impact on them for the gospel. Many at the academy preached in the open air for the fist time in their lives. Many were even open air skeptics before the Academy but could not ignore the looks on the hearers faces. It was plain to see that God was using the proclamation of His word to save the lost. What a privilege to be used by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to bring His message of salvation to a lost and dying people!
Thank you once again for all the prayers. Your support was, and continues to be, an encouragement.
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