Starting this Sunday, May 31st, we will be going down to the San Juan Capistrano train station every Sunday after SCCA's last service. We will spend about an hour preaching the gospel, witnessing, passing out tracts, singing, reading the bible in the open air, sharing testimonies, and generally just loving the lost. So, please join us at the train station and see what the Lord is going to do!
Email me at if you have any questions, or to let me know that you would like to join us.
Prayer warriors are encouraged to come... just come and pray while we're there! This will be a huge encouragement.
Singers are encouraged to come... I will be bringing my guitar and will sing some songs of praise and thanksgiving to gather a crowd before preaching the gospel. So come and sing!
Please also pray for this outreach and that the Lord would use us to reach the lost.
Please pray that God's word and the preaching of the gospel will bring people to repentance and faith in Jesus.
Pray for boldness of those who come to take part in the outreach.
Pray that those who come to witness, preach, give testimony, sing, pray, pass out tracts, etc, would be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Pray for God to raise up laborers for the fields are white for harvest.
Pray for the protection of the team.
Pray that God would give us favor with the city of SJC and that they would not try to stop us from preaching and witnessing at the train station.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will fall on SJC and that God would draw people to hear the preaching of the gospel.
Click here to see what we did last weekend at the train station.
Were my parents really saved?
The post SO, ARE THEY REALLY SAVED? first appeared on Stone The Preacher.
7 months ago