This Sunday (06/21) I will be out of town but Dave and Fema Schuster will be down at the train station after SCCA's morning service so please join them if you are able. If nothing else, go down and pray with them as they boldly reach out with the only means of salvation for a lost, fallen, and dying world.
Here are two audio clips. The first is the preaching and the second is a short conversation with the christian science ladies. If you don't see the embedded audio player then click here to go to
Praise God!
Keep up the good work in the Lord and keep these kind of reports coming!
By the way - I'm adding you to my blog list roll under the heading 'Street witnessing / Preaching blogs'
Hey Jeff, I find using the 4 deadly questions works awesome in these type of encounters with Christian Scientists. 1. What do you mean by that? 2. Where do you get your information on that? 3. How do you know that to be true? and 4. What if your wrong? I took that out of Mark Cahill's "The One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven" book.
Great idea! I'll keep that in mind the next time I run into a christian scientist again. (I Love that book too BTW!!)
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