Friday, June 19, 2009

San Juan Capistrano Train Station 06/14/09

Last week was another great time at the San Juan Capistrano Train station. Sarducci's outdoor patio was full once again so lots of people heard our songs of praise and thanksgiving and the reading of God's word and the preaching of the gospel. I got to speak with a professing Christian, a couple of christian science ladies, and a catholic man. Lots of people took tracts and we gave a couple of bibles away. Glory to God!

This Sunday (06/21) I will be out of town but Dave and Fema Schuster will be down at the train station after SCCA's morning service so please join them if you are able. If nothing else, go down and pray with them as they boldly reach out with the only means of salvation for a lost, fallen, and dying world.

Here are two audio clips. The first is the preaching and the second is a short conversation with the christian science ladies. If you don't see the embedded audio player then click here to go to

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

San Juan Capistrano Train Station 06/07/09

We had another great time of preaching, praying, singing and gospel tracting at the San Juan Capistrano train station this past Sunday. Many heard the gospel and we passed out just under 100 gospel tracts. A group of fellow believers from Calvary Chapel SJC loved what we were doing and so did the lady working the ticket booth (Judy made sure she got a "Ticket To Heaven" tract). Sarducci's outdoor patio was FULL when I preached the gospel so many heard the message of eternal life in Jesus.

We'll be back at the train station next week after SCCA's morning service. We'll be down there by 12:30pm and usually stay about an hour. So, come join us and see how the Lord would work through you! If you want to eat first, grab some take-out and bring it to the train station with you - it's a great place to sit and hang out.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

San Juan Capistrano Train Station 05/31/09

On Sunday we headed down to the San Juan Capistrano train station after church and were joined by Marty, Elaine, Nancy, Karen, Dave and Fema. Tracy and Gordon and Skyler of course were there with us too. We started by singing a couple songs of praise and thanksgiving and then I read from Exodus 20 and preached a gospel message. Many heard the gospel and we were able to offer bibles to those who heard. We then proceeded to pass out gospel tracts and witness to those who were coming and going. It was a very fruitful afternoon of ministry and many heard the gospel.
This will be a weekly event so come join us next Sunday after service. Just come down to the train station and you can't miss us. Email me at if you would like to join us, or if you have any questions.
