We have had an AMAZING time preaching the gospel at the San Juan Capistrano train station Sunday afternoons. God has truly blessed our efforts to reach out and love the lost in San Juan Capistrano. We have witnessed people respond in repentance and faith and have had the privilege to pray with several people. We have seen others encouraged by our witness and we have all become more bold in our witness together over the past year. Thousands of gospel tracts have been given out along with dozens of bibles. It has been truly amazing to see how God has blessed our simple obedience to the Great Commission.
This Sunday will be my last time at the train station on Sunday afternoons. I will be involved in a newly forming evangelism team at
Compass Bible Church. We will be hitting the streets of Aliso Viejo and Irvine on Sunday afternoons starting January 31. My hope and prayer is that my brothers and sisters at
SCCA will continue to go to the train station on Sunday afternoons so hopefully this will not mark the end of our witness at the train station... only the end of my involvement.
So, come join me this Sunday afternoon from 1:30-2:30pm at the San Juan Capistrano train station. We'll preach the gospel, hand out gospel tracts, and try to engage people in conversation.