On Saturday, March 21, we will be heading over to downtown San Juan Capistrano to pass out tracts and witness to the folks attending the
Swallow's Day Parade. If you would like to come and help pass out tracts, witness, or be part of the prayer team, just show up on March 21. We'll be meeting at 9am at the gazebo at
SCCA - 31501 Avenida Los Cerritos, San Juan Capistrano CA 92675. We'll have a time of prayer and a brief time of practical instruction, then we'll head down to the parade which is within walking distance from the church. We'll meet back at the church at 1pm for prayer and sharing of witnessing highlights.
Those of you who attended the Crash Course back in December, this is a great chance to put into practice what you learned!
What to bring?
- water
- backpack or some sort of bag/purse to keep bibles/tracts in
- small bible (in case you want to share scripture with somebody)
- sun block / sweater / rain jacket - whatever the weather demands
- comfortable shoes!!
Let me know if you will be able to join the team by emailing me at Jeff@LoveTheLost.org.
Also, if you cannot attend, but want to pray for the team that morning, please also let me know.